5 March 2015

Screening & Flat-Screen Version

The film has been screened at the Birmingham Thinktank. I would like to thank Colin Hutcheson and Coral Manton for their help in managing the project from the Thinktank side. Full thanks can be seen in the credits.
Being the premier of the fulldome film this was my first opportunity to actually experience the visuals as they had been intended. The sense of motion create by moving image in the dome space simply does not translate to the flat screen. With that in mind, here's the flatscreen version shown at the Forge in London.

Which is a cropped version of the 4K fulldome version, I elected to use the screen space rather than fitting the square (circular) image within the bounds of the widescreen HDTV format.
I am currently in the process of exploring a method of showcasing the film in its original format. Virtual Reality being the front runner currently, given that I have access to an Oculus Rift (DK2).
Matthew Wood Animator

Pixel pusher extraordinaire. Specialising in Motion Graphic Animation and Digital Visual Effects. Undertaking the Animation production for the RAM project as well as providing support for others.

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